I've never had a bad experience nursing in public.
My daughter is just over 7 months old and I've nursed everywhere one could possibly imagine. Restaurants, malls, parks, festivals, grocery stores, my car (when a convenient bench and air conditioning was not to be found), various places at Disney and Universal Studios.... and I've never had a negative reaction. Oh sure, some people might have rolled their eyes but I don't pay attention to people enough to really notice... and no, I don't use a cover. To be fair, I tried... but I guess I don't have the manual dexterity necessary to cover myself and nurse a baby at the same time. I think I used one twice before it just made me AND my daughter hot and angry... plus, I have a feeling that a nursing cover just screams "I AM BREASTFEEDING A BABY, HAVE A LOOK" . Scroll down to a previous post I made about nursing at Harry Potter at IOA and you'll see that nursing in public can be incredibly discreet... I doubt many people even knew what I was doing.
Anyway, the ONLY reactions I've ever experience have been positive. Once, at a Boston Coffee House a guy came up to me and started talking about how his wife is 38 weeks pregnant with their first child and how she was planning a birth at one of our local birth centers. He mentioned how nice it was to see someone nursing in public and raising awareness. An older woman at a bbq joint let me know how wonderful it was to see younger women nursing in public -- she had a great statement that I won't be able to get quite right... something about how our country is a sad mix of puritans and cowboys. One of the funniest NIP stories I have happened when I was nursing my daughter at a mall playground while my preschooler played. A little girl, about 18 months, walked over to me, stood close by and stared at me. When her mom came over, she laughed and said that she had just weaned her daughter.... we made jokes that she was 'standing in line'... I mean, heck, hers work... I'll just have some at that tap!
So, ladies (and gentlemen, too, if you want to share your wife/girlfriend/friend's story)... do you have some nursing in public stories? Funny, good, bad, sad, whatever... share!